Small mammals are hugely under-represented in terms of research, funding, and conservation action. For many, we know little about their basic ecology, and some are lost before any research effort can begin.
Please help us to make a difference by donating to the Small Mammal Specialist Group.
Your donation goes towards:
As the Red List Authority for the 3200+ small mammal species, we coordinate, undertake and provide expert advice on IUCN Red List assessments.
We help researchers and conservationists to develop proposals, source appropriate funding and implement action. We also carry out our own small mammal studies, and host in-person conservation workshops in priority regions.
We endeavor to raise the profile of small mammals at conferences, meetings and in the media.
To donate, contact us using the form below. Thank you.
Our funds are received and administered by the UK-registered charity Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust. Donations from the US can also be received through the American Friends of Durrell.