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Our website serves as an information hub for researchers, conservation professionals and keen naturalists who are interested in the world’s rodents, shrews, moles, solenodons, hedgehogs and treeshrews.

Learn about the work of some of our global experts investigating small mammals, including the discovery of new species.
Discover more about this amazingly diverse group of mammals, their threats and what needs to be done to conserve them.
Find out about our members working in remote places around the world to save the most endangered species of small mammal.

About SMSG

Discover more about the IUCN SSC Small Mammal Specialist Group and its projects.
About SMSG

Small Mammals

Find out about the amazing diversity of small mammals – half of all mammal species.


Our global conservation priorities and the people working on the ground to save small mammals.


The science of the diversity, ecology and conservation status of over 2800 small mammal species.