The Jamaican Hutia (Geocapromys brownii) is assessed as Endangered because its known extent of occurrence (EOO) is estimated to be 2,960 km², its range is severely fragmented, and its apparent disappearance from the Cockpit Country in recent decades suggests that there is a continuing decline in EOO, number of locations, and the extent of occurrence and the quality of the habitat. However, there is a need for standardised surveys to assess the status of this species.
Key Species Champion
Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust
How this species is doing
Ongoing human-induced habitat loss and degradation, as well as hunting continue to be major threats to this species. Population modelling showed the species to be vulnerable to over-hunting, and in some areas where hunting was reduced, such as in the subpopulations in Coco Ree and Worthy Park, there were signs of the population expanding. Predation by introduced dogs, cats and mongoose may pose threats to the species.
The species occurs in a number of protected areas, however little enforcement is in place and refuges do not prevent threats such as introduced mongoose. Although hutias have been brought into captivity at Hope Zoo, Kingston, there currently are no ongoing in situ conservation measures in place for the species. There is a clear need for standardised surveys across remaining areas where it is thought to occur.