The IUCN SSC Small Mammal Specialist Group is an expanding global network of scientists and conservationists who volunteer their time to help advance the world’s scientific understanding of the small mammals, and to promote effective conservation action to secure their future. However, with over 3200 species of rodents, shrews, moles, solenodons, hedgehogs and treeshrew to consider, there is a lot of work to do.
It is a high priority to expand the taxonomic and geographical coverage of our network of members. Research efforts cannot be extended until the membership is expanded to include more researchers from elsewhere in the world, beyond the predominant representation from the USA, the UK, and other developed nations. A broader participation in The IUCN Red List assessment process from experts in Africa and Asia, in particular, is especially important for successful conservation actions to be developed and implemented. Too often conservation efforts fail because programs have been run from afar, without local participation and dedicated engagement.
If you are a professional small mammal ecologist, taxonomist or conservationist and want to be part of the SMSG community and contribute to this global endeavour, then please get in touch.