Part of the SMSG’s mission is to promote conservation actions on the ground for species of conservation concern.
With over 3200 species of small mammals, and resources always scarce, we prioritise efforts for certain Key Species and in Key Regions where we can have most impact on globally important assemblages of threatened small mammals.
We have two conservation approaches: Key Species and Key Regions.
are those small mammals that are ranked as the world’s most Evolutionary Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE).
Go to the Key SpeciesOur Key Regions
are those regions of world that are home to high density aggregations of threatened small mammals, such as the Caribbean, Cameroonian Highlands and northern Borneo among others.
Go to the Key RegionsA number of SMSG members are leading projects around the world to research the conservation needs of a range of small mammal species and to implement conservation actions to address their threats.
Explore the map below to find out more about these projects and for many you can link through to the project websites.

The Vancouver Island Marmot Recovery Programme
Saving the Vancouver island marmot See project site
Madagascar Giant Jumping Rat Project
Durrell Madagascar See project site